community-driven planning fund

Seed Your Vision with Our Fund

We recognize the immense energy it takes for individuals and organizations to facilitate community-driven processes, as well as the need for support to sustain the work.

In order to continue to build the field of practice of community-driven planning and evolve tools, models, and approaches, we also need more on-the-ground examples and stories from  across our network.

To help meet these needs, the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP) launched the Community-Driven Planning Fund  in Spring 2024! The Fund supports community-driven planning processes that are governed by community-driven planners and facilitators. Each Spring and Fall, NACRP members will be eligible to submit proposals for funding for up to $30,000 in order to resource communities, and/or facilitators accountable to frontline communities, to advance an active community-led planning process.

People’s Climate Innovation Center (CI) coordinates and administers the Fund and NACRP members, in a one-year Fund Advisor term, govern the Fund grantee selection process.

Our vision is that this Fund will seed and raise visibility of emergent efforts, contribute to the dissemination of community-led “people plans,” sustain facilitative leadership and organizing efforts, and support community power-building.



NACRP members (both individual and organizational members) are eligible to apply for the Fund. There are two tracks of application which include:

Track 1: Individuals facilitating community-driven planning process seeking up to $5,000 for professional development, personal growth, emergencies, or basic needs

Track 2: Organizations seeking up to $30,000 to advance a community-driven planning process

Note: Individual applicants may apply for both track 1 and track 2.

The fund will support:

  • NACRP members playing a direct role in the community-driven planning processes
  • Advancement of a community-driven planning process to the next phase, a milestone, or address a critical timely opportunity
  • Investments in needed organizational capacity to access long-term infrastructure and funding
  • Leadership support including personal wellness practices and professional development

Examples of what the fund will support:


  • Childcare, food, transportation to conferences or meetings
  • Community healing spaces (ie cultural grief work, healing gardens)
  • Language Justice/Translation
  • Outreach to and work with Indigenous Peoples, Tribal Communities, Native Nations

Leadership Support

  • Training and professional development 
  • Wellness practices (leadership retreats, reflection, writing)
  • Coaching

Data and Technical Support

  • Participatory Action Research
  • Mapping
  • Meeting Tech (AV, video, translation services)

Lesson/Story Capture

  • Story-telling
  • Resource sharing strategies

Financial Sustainability

  • Support with budgeting, grant writing or financial/administrative infrastructure
  • Financial planning to support the implementation of a community-driven planning process or solutions

Training and Facilitation

  • Intergenerational organizing
  • Brave or 'radical' spaces changing workspaces to be regenerative spaces
  • Access to training to facilitate or organizing that isn't outcome dependent
  • Conflict resolution / finding alignment through conflict


Our goals of the Fund include:

  • Meeting the need for community-driven planning, in communities working to address the pandemic, economic crises, ecological crises, climate impacts, institutional racism, and other threats to community health and well-being.
  • Building our collective capacity to replace top-down planning models that replicate the power dynamics that resulted in the problems our communities are facing.
  • Cultivating local facilitation capacity to ensure rootedness and accountability to frontline communities, as opposed to bringing in outside facilitators or corporate firms.
  • Sharing the stories of impact from communities reclaiming our power to advance our own solutions to current crises.
  • Strengthening the community of practice among facilitators to grow and deepen our shared practice.

How to Apply

The NACRP Fund application launched March 1, 2024. Review and decisions will take place in late May for the Spring cycle and late September for the Fall cycle. Approximately 2-4 proposals will be funded per season. Members interested in applying should schedule a meeting with a member of the NACRP team. This is an invite only application process. To schedule a meeting, please email with your name and “NACRP Fund” in the subject line.

2024 Proposal Deadlines

Spring Cycle Application Deadline: April 19, 2024

Fall Cycle Application Deadline: September 6, 2024

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Fund Launched in March 2024!

Subscribe to the People's Climate Innovation Center Newsletter for updates and be one of the first to apply! NACRP members are eligible to apply. If you aren't already a part of our community of practice, then become a member today!

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